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Grades 4-5

The Ss. Robert and William Catholic Middle School includes Grades 4 and 5 set in a departmental structure. Curriculum taught at this level is based on the Ohio State Standards and the guidelines provided by the Cleveland Catholic Diocese, which infuses our Catholic identity and social justice teachings in every subject;  Religion, Reading, English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Visual Art, and Vocal Music.  

Middle School students participate in a Study Skills course to strengthen their study habits and improve their test-taking skills.

Foreign Language:

Spanish is offered to students in Grades 4 and 5 one class period per week.


All Middle School students are assigned a Chromebook to utilize as a learning tool both in the classroom setting as well as at home. Utilizing the Chromebooks gives students the opportunity to learn 21st Century skills while advancing in the curriculum.  Google Classroom is an excellent tool to learn collaboration, digital citzenship, and organization.  Google classroom is sponored by Google Apps for Education. 

Interactive SMART Panels are in every classroom.