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School Transformation

Ss. Robert & William Catholic School Major Initiatives

• Redefine the Role of the School - Greater emphasis needs to be placed on educating the
whole child, both mind and heart, and the whole family. Schools need to become
instruments of teaching the heart of Jesus to our communities. Establishing family life
wellness centers, with wrap-around services, will help and support the physical, social,
and emotional needs of the family.

• Revitalize the Role of Teachers – Building on strong traditions and foundations,
teachers will become facilitators of student learning. They will be supported with strong
professional development, as they introduce new teaching strategies and help students
reach their full academic potential. Blended learning experiences will encourage student
engagement and active participation.

• Update and Enhance the School Curriculum – All students will achieve proficiency in
core subject areas. Students will assume greater ownership for their learning, develop
critical thinking skills, and become true problem solvers. Innovation, collaboration, and
creativity will become the norm, as students engage in learning experiences.

• Vertical Alignment –It is vital to create an integrated system where elementary schools,
high schools, and colleges/trade schools work together to ensure standards are met at
every grade level. Setting long term goals for instruction and teaching standards at each
grade level, will coordinate student progress, and allow teachers to focus on building
skills and knowledge, rather than on review and repetition.

• Build Partnerships – In order to enhance and engage students in real world learning
opportunities, it is important to build partnerships with outside organizations, such as
businesses and other educational institutions. The business community can add
significant benefits to the educational process through various problem based learning
projects. Students can benefit from the expertise of high school and university students,
as well as their state of the art facilities, such as science and engineering labs.

• Integrate Technology – Students must become digitally proficient, as technology is
ingrained in so many aspects of their lives. Access and use of digital technologies can
personalize learning, provide rich educational experiences, close learning gaps, and
empower students with advanced capabilities that will set them up for success.

• Improve Educational Metrics – School choice is very important to parents. Some
considered factors include strong academics, excellent teachers, safety, programs offered,
and culture. It is essential for schools to tell their story and to measure and share both
student achievement and school performance.

• Involving Stakeholders – Transparency and communication are essential, especially
during times of change. Meaningful input and guidance from stakeholders leads to

• Develop a New Governance Model – A Board of Directors will be established to assist
with operations and setting the direction of the school. They will work in partnership
with the pastor to plan and support finances, facilities, and long-term goals.

• Build a Strong Marketing Campaign – Creating a clear, consistent brand and
marketing message, will promote the distinct identity of the school, which will become
well known to stakeholders and the community. It will attract students and parents,
excite parishioners, and encourage donors.