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We, at Ss. Robert and William Catholic School, consider it a privilege to work with parents in the education of children because we believe parents are the primary educators of their children.  As you explore the Parent Page, we hope you find information about the daily operations of the school as well as ways to become involved your child’s education.

School Hours

School Office:  

7:00 AM – 3:15 PM

School Day: 
7:45 AM – 2:45 PM (Transitional Kindergarten through Grade 8)
Before Care:  
7:00 AM – 7:30 AM
Home Away From Home (After Care):
2:45 PM – 6:00 PM

After Care

Students may be dropped off beginning at 7:00 AM.  They will be directed to a designated supervised area or to the Upper Hall if they are having breakfast. Students MUST arrive by 7:30 AM to participate in the breakfast program.  At 7:30 AM, all students will be released to their classrooms.  There is no fee for this service.

Ss. Robert & William Catholic School offers after school childcare  to children in Transitional Kindergarten through grade eight. There is a registration fee and a structured hourly rate for use of this service. After Care is available daily from 2:45 - 6:00 PM.  Children attending After Care are given time to complete homework, eat a snack, and enjoy free-play.  Children are expected to follow the school’s Code of Conduct.   

Breakfast and Lunch

The breakfast program is available for free to all students.  Breakfast is served from 7:00-7:30 daily for a fee.  Students who want breakfast do not need to pre-order.

Please click here for the current breakfast menu.


The hot lunch program is available for free to all students.  Hot lunch orders will be placed each morning in the homeroom.  Milk is also available to purchase for students who bring a packed lunch to school for a cost of $0.50.  

Please click here for the current lunch menu.