Research indicates children who are too young for a grade, no matter how intelligent, may develop social and emotional problems, even though they may achieve scholastically. Early entrance testing may be requested from the local public school district.
Kindergarten: Students entering kindergarten must be 5 by September 30th of the year they are entering kindergarten.
Grades 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7: Open enrollment is available for students entering these grades. Records from all previous schools must be presented. Academic achievement, behavior, and punctuality are reviewed when evaluating admission.
Grades 2 and 3: Currently, there are no openings in these grades. Please contact our Admissions office, 216-731-3060, ext. 220, to put your name on a waitlist.
Grade 8: Closed for the 2024-2025 school year with no waitlist.