Ohio Auxiliary Services provides funding to hire additional personnel to assist with student achievement. Students are screened to determine if they are eligible to participate in the various areas. In addition, parent/guardian and teacher referrals are made. The following specialists are available at SRW:
- Counselor: Ss. Robert & William Catholic School works in conjunction with the Euclid School District for psychological testing. In addition, teachers and/or parents may refer a child for assessments, counseling, consultations, and other related services through the school counselor. Such requests may be made by contacting the principals or in writing addressed to the school counselor.
- Speech/Language Pathologist: The services of a Speech and Hearing Therapist are available through Auxiliary Service Funds. The therapist instructs students at Ss. Robert & William Catholic School in need of therapy after obtaining permission from the parents.
- Remedial Math Tutor: Individual and small group instruction in math is given to those students who qualify.
- Remedial Reading Tutor: Individual and small group instruction in reading is given to those students who qualify.
- Intervention Specialist: Individual tutoring by a certified teacher is provided for children with learning disabilities on all grade levels.
- Licensed Nurse: A licensed practical nurse is on site from 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM each day.